Material:Stainless steel+ Plastic ; 6 Pieces Modeling device scriber needle. Basic Design,very solid and extremely simple to utilize ;Size: 132....
Material:Stainless steel+ Plastic ; 6 Pieces Modeling device scriber needle.
Basic Design,very solid and extremely simple to utilize ;Size: 132 mm/5.2 inches long , Plastic handle 2.7 inches long,Needle part 2.5 inch
Can be utilized for Sugar glue , Biscuit Icing Sugar and Weeding Cake beautifying. Likewise can be utilized to pop air bubbles, smooth out the icing, fill in corners, ect. Can help get adornments off of your tangle/table (like polka dabs), help get fondant letters out of cutters/tappits, mark lines on cakes,etc.
For whatever length of time that the air pocket burst, with the little needle can recuperate smooth release air . You can utilize it to blend the syrup, draw the blueprint of cake shape, let cake better. ideal instrument for making cake. f cake shape,etc. ideal instrument for making cake.
Warming Tips: Please deal with these scriber needles, don't give your children and let them play with it, much obliged.
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